Who doesn’t love free stuff? I created these free Fall wallpapers/printables in Forever Artisan as a gift to you from Small Town Scrap.
I hope you are enjoying our visits as much as I am. My goal is to make a set of freebies that change with the seasons/holidays.
Fall freebies is the first set in the series. Just click here to download the bundle.
If you would like to learn more about how you can make digital pages using Artisan, click here to visit the Forever website through my Refer A Friend link or send me a message.
Look forward to seeing you again soon,
Edited: If you would like more information on another source I use a lot for my digital content, check out this blog post about Digital Scrapbooking.
It always feels good to complete layouts for my scrapbooks. I have spent some creative time with my Counterfeit Kit lately. These are all of one event for my Family album.
Scott’s aunts live in Illinois so we do not get to see them as much as we would like so when they do make it to Texas we all make it a point to get together. The bottom layout spotlights one of the places we love to go in San Antonio. Do you scrapbook places as well as people? We always take pictures of signs and random things, like the ceiling, in case I decide to make a page about a specific place.
I used some of my June Counterfeit Kit, Butterfly Garden, but also added some paper for a couple of backgrounds and several stickers. It feels good to use up stash I’ve had for a while as well as my stamps that I do not get out often enough.
There is my June round-up – and now on to July! The inspiration kit for the July Counterfeit Kit Challenge is the Garden Party kit by Sahin Designs.
Now here is my kit, “Blush.” In going through my stash, I found that I do not have many black & white patterned papers, so I decided to make a mini-kit and use it to make a few cards. I will also pull in white cardstock for the card bases and possibly a border punch.
I was resistant about making a kit with my supplies because I like to have choices, but I found that it makes a great starting point & I can still choose to pull out what I need as I go. Sometimes, I just need that one piece of paper for inspiration and it gets me in the groove and I can make several layouts at a time. What inspires you to get started when you finally have time to sit down to scrapbook? Leave me a comment and let me know how you like to spend your creative time. You can also message me on my Contact page, I would love to hear from you!
Glad you stopped by and be sure to come back soon!
Progress! Have you ever noticed when you start a project that it seems to take twice as long as you thought it would? Well, that is what happened here with our make-over. We only have a few more behind the scenes updates, so in the meantime let me introduce the technical supervisor here at Small Town Scrap. This is my husband, Scott. When it comes to coding, plugins and backups he’s the one making it happen.
Please look around and let me know if you like the changes, leave me a comment or make a suggestion. I would love to hear from you! I will be back in a little bit with a more craft related post as well.
Talk to you soon,
We have had some technical issues with the website. As a result, we decided to invest the time to re-work the layout and pages a little bit.
Please bear with us and we will be back with an updated look and full content shortly. In the meantime, please visit my Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest and be sure to check back in soon.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email from our Contact Us page.
Thank you for your patience,
I just wanted to check in to let you know I am still here & hope to be back soon with a project or something scrapbook related to share.
Since my last post, “Making Changes”, we sold our house & moved into a temporary rental while the job hunt continues.
Unfortunately, my supplies look like this:
While the supplies are packed up, my mind is still coming up with ideas for layouts, books & organizing I want to do.
I hope to get back to working on my Heritage photobook soon & will have more to share about that process.
I am also still trying to decide what to do with all the 12×12 scrapbooks and how I want to continue documenting going forward.
Thank you for your patience while I get my new schedule set up and please check back in soon!
This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled at this time. Please check back soon! Dismiss