2025 Word of the Year
Hello friends! I have finally decided on my 2025 Word of the Year – Seasons. I have felt very busy lately & didn’t even start thinking about a word until the beginning of January.
Usually I start thinking about it around November or at least the early part of December, but it just slipped through the cracks.
Once I started thinking about it & testing different words in my mind I couldn’t really come up with anything. I decided to google One Little Word (Ali Edwards class title for picking a word every year) to see what other people were choosing.
The minute I saw Seasons I knew that was what I was looking for. The Bible verse in Ecclesiastes immediately came to mind. I have always heard the first verse, but it is actually 11 verses.

I think the older we get, the more reflective we are. I love to look back on memories from years past, which is why I scrapbook.
I can’t wait to dive into each verse and really think about each season I have experienced so far, what is happening right now & what do I want to set for goals for the future.
Now, let’s look at a couple of the Merriam Webster definitions of the word “Season”.
- One of the four quarters into which the year is commonly divided. I’m sure this is the most common definition – Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter.
- The time of a major holiday – the Christmas Season.
But the next one is what I am focusing on for my 2025 Word of the Year.
3. A suitable or natural time or occasion.
I love how a word can help us to be present, take action or just sit back and reflect. It can be so many things all at once.
You can also try out a word for a few months & if it isn’t working, change it. It is really just for you – a reminder to slow down and think about what you want out of this coming year.
One of the things my husband & I have been working on is moving back to my hometown area and finding our forever home.
That speaks to verse 2 – we have to uproot in order to plant new roots. Hopefully, this will be the last time we move.
It also relates to verse 6 – a time to keep and a time to throw away. As we are going through all the things we have accumulated in the last 25 years, I have learned to let go.
We don’t need or want to move ALL of the things that are just collecting dust. Some of it I can’t let go of, but some of the things I can take pictures of & let the physical item go. (Previously I gave some of my scrapbooks to family members and downsized to smaller albums.)
So, I am going to focus on each line & see if it pertains to this Season of life.
I will also look for other quotes and sayings throughout the year that relate to Seasons and see what speaks to me.
If you have a 2025 Word of the Year, I would love to know what you chose & why. You can leave a comment on this post or leave me a message on our Contact page.
Also, don’t forget that if one of your resolutions or commitments for the new year is to save, organize, share or enjoy your photos, I would love to help you get started.
There are so many ways to tell your story & preserve your memories – find what works for you!
Check back in soon,
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